ROMJIST Volume 21, No. 4, 2018, pp. 358-376
Radu-Emil PRECUP, Teodor-Adrian TEBAN, Adriana ALBU, Alexandra-Iulia SZEDLAK-STINEAN, Claudia-Adina BOJAN-DRAGOS Experiments in Incremental Online Identification of Fuzzy Models of Finger Dynamics
ABSTRACT: This paper suggests a set of evolving Takagi-Sugeno-Kang (TSK) fuzzy models that characterize the finger dynamics of the human hand in the framework of myoelectric (ME) control of prosthetic hands. The fuzzy models represent the reference models in ME-based control systems. The fuzzy model outputs are the finger angles, namely the midcarpal joint angles. Starting with the ME signals obtained from eight ME sensors, which are used as fuzzy model inputs, different numbers of additional model inputs obtained from past inputs and/or outputs are considered. The structure and parameters of the fuzzy models are evolved by an incremental online identification algorithm. The evolving TSK fuzzy models for three out of five fingers are tested against the experimental data and compared. The experimental results highlight that the proposed fuzzy models are consistent with both training and validation data.Read full text (pdf)