ROMJIST is a publication of
Romanian Academy,
Section for Information Science and Technology
Editor – in – Chief:
Radu-Emil Precup
Honorary Co-Editors-in-Chief:
Horia-Nicolai Teodorescu
Gheorghe Stefan
Secretariate (office):
Adriana Apostol
Adress for correspondence: romjist@nano-link.net (after 1st of January, 2019)
Founding Editor-in-Chief
(until 10th of February, 2021):
Dan Dascalu
Editing of the printed version: Mihaela Marian (Publishing House of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest)
Technical editor of the on-line version: Lucian Milea (University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest)
Sponsor: • National Institute for R & D in Microtechnologies
(IMT Bucharest), www.imt.ro
ROMJIST Volume 24, No. 4, 2021, pp. 418-422
Horia-Nicolai TEODORESCU
ROMJIST Mirroring Research Domains in the Section of Information Science and Technology of the Romanian Academy. A brief bibliometric analysis
ABSTRACT: Using solely the tools offered by Google, the research connections between the ROMJIST journal and the Section of Information Science and Technology (S-IST) of the Romanian Academy are analyzed.KEYWORDS: Bibliometric analysis, information science and technologyRead full text (pdf)