ROMJIST Volume 27, No. 1, 2024, pp. 37-49, DOI: 10.59277/ROMJIST.2024.1.03
Toufik HAFS, Hatem ZEHIR, Ali HAFS, Hanene BRAHMIA, Amine NAIT-ALI Enhancing Recognition in Multimodal Biometric Systems: Score Normalization and Fusion of Online Signatures and Fingerprints
ABSTRACT: Multimodal biometrics employs multiple modalities within a single system to address the limitations of unimodal systems, such as incomplete data acquisition or deliberate fraud, while enhancing recognition accuracy. This study explores score normalization and its impact on system performance. To fuse scores effectively, prior normalization is necessary, followed by a weighted sum fusion technique that aligns impostor and genuine scores within a common range. Experiments conducted on three biometric databases demonstrate the promising efficacy of the proposed approach, particularly when combined with Empirical Modal Decomposition (EMD). The fusion system exhibits strong performance, with the best outcome achieved by merging the online signature and fingerprint modalities, resulting in a normalized Min-Max score-based Equal Error Rate (EER) of 1.69%.KEYWORDS: Empirical mode decomposition; fingerprints; image and signal processing; min-max; multibiometrics; online handwritten signatures; scores fusion; weighted sumRead full text (pdf)