ROMJIST Volume 22, Number 2, 2019
J.F. Mogniotte, C. Raynaud, M. Lazar and L. Michel
Analytical modelling of a lateral dual gate MESFET for integrated circuit in SiC
pp. 103–110
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A.C. Bunea, D. Neculoiu, A.M. Dinescu
Packaging approaches for GaN/Si SAW Band Pass Filters with Operating Frequencies above 5 GHz
pp. 111–123
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Angela Baracu, Raluca Müller, Rodica Voicu, Catalin Tibeica, Adrian Dinescu, Marius Pustan, Corina Birleanu
Microfabrication and experimental characterization of an Out-of-Plane MEMS switch
pp. 124–134
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C. Moldovan, A. Barbilian, G. Stergios, M. Drignei, E. Jovenet, I. Lascar, A. Berami, E. Drignei, L. Dobrescu, O. Dontu, D. Dobrescu, D. Besnea, B. Fartat, D. Dragomir, P.L. Milea, D. Muraru, T.P. Neagu, E.L. Stanciulescu, R. Scarlet, F. Sandru et al.
Design and fabrication of tubes-guided structure with electrical stimulation module for neural regeneration and in-vivo testing
pp. 135–143
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Cosmin-Sorin Plesa, Marius Neag, Cristian Mihai Boianceanu
Design of Over-Temperature Protection for Switched-Capacitor DC-DC Converter Based on Electro-Thermal Simulations
pp. 144–157
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Anca Mihaela Dragan, Andrei Enache, Alina Negut, Adrian Macarie Tache,
Gheorghe Brezeanu
An Improved I/O Pin for Serial Communication Interfaces
pp. 158–180
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