ROMJIST Volume 20, No. 3, 2017, pp. 179-184
Horia–Nicolai L. TEODORESCU On Zadeh’s Contribution to the Optimality Problem: Four Points of View on Optimality – Logic, Set Theory, Theory of Uncertainty, and Analytic
ABSTRACT: We revisit the already old problem of optimality, focusing on Zadeh's contributions, in the context of the developments in the last 50 years. In doing so, we recall and analyze a major direction of contribution of Zadeh, which was little noticed in studies on his work, moreover is not clearly stressed in his own articles. Specifically, we posit that Zadeh largely reinvented the notion of optimality and offered new interpretations to this concept. For clarifying the context, we suggest a generalized view of the optimality problem. Opened problems are listed.KEYWORDS: optimality, imprecision, limited information, fuzzy logic, interpolator, universal approximatorRead full text (pdf)