ROMJIST is a publication of
Romanian Academy,
Section for Information Science and Technology
Editor – in – Chief:
Radu-Emil Precup
Honorary Co-Editors-in-Chief:
Horia-Nicolai Teodorescu
Gheorghe Stefan
Secretariate (office):
Adriana Apostol
Adress for correspondence: romjist@nano-link.net (after 1st of January, 2019)
Founding Editor-in-Chief
(until 10th of February, 2021):
Dan Dascalu
Editing of the printed version: Mihaela Marian (Publishing House of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest)
Technical editor of the on-line version: Lucian Milea (University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest)
Sponsor: • National Institute for R & D in Microtechnologies
(IMT Bucharest), www.imt.ro
ROMJIST Volume 23, No. S, 2020, pp. S1-S2
Horia-Nicolai Teodorescu
ABSTRACT: The current pandemic is devastating populations and economies, but this is not the only type of disaster threatening people. To minimize the impacts of the disasters, a wide panoply of tools are needed, including good ad-hoc models, optimization algorithms, tools to detect the disease and to monitor its progress and spreading, and new or improved means for communication between humans, among others. These are the categories of subjects reflected in this Special Issue.KEYWORDS: editorial, pandemic, covid, special issueRead full text (pdf)