ROMJIST Volume 23, No. S, 2020, pp. S3-S13
Mykola BILIAIEV, Viktoriia BILIAIEVA, Vitalii KOZACHYNA, Oleksandr BERLOV, Ivan KALASHNIKOV Numerical simulation of toxic chemical transport after accidental release at chemical plant
ABSTRACT: Toxic chemical release may occur at different plants and impact directly on the people in the working areas. It is very important to predict atmosphere pollution and make risk assessment for accidental releases. CFD modeling is a powerful tool to solve these problems. This work is concerning on development of quick computing numerical model to predict air pollution in case of accidental solid propellant burning at the chemical plant. The model is based on transport equation for the products of propellant burning. Air flow on the industrial site is computed on the basis of potential flow model. To solve governing equations implicit finite difference schemes of splitting have been used. The results of numerical experiments are presented.KEYWORDS: atmosphere pollution, accidental release, risk assessment, numerical model, missile solid propellantRead full text (pdf)