Haiming CHEN, Tseren-Onolt ISHDORJ, Gheorghe PĂUN, Mario J. PEREZ-JIMENEZ
Handling Languages with Spiking Neural P Systems with Extended Rules

We consider spiking neural P systems with spiking rules allowed to introduce zero, one, or more spikes at the same time. A tool-kit for computing (some) operations with languages generated by such systems is provided. Computing the union of languages is easy. However, computing the concatenation or the intersection with a regular language is not so easy. A way to compute weak encoding is also provided. The main results of the computing power of the obtained systems are then presented, when considering them as number generating and as language generating devices. In particular, we find direct characterizations of finite and recursively enumerable languages (without using any squeezing mechanism, as it was necessary in the case of restricted rules).