Jan KOLLAR, Valerie NOVITZKA, Peter
Process Functional Form of Imperative Programs
In the past, PFL – a process functional language based on process functional
paradigm was developed as a programming language. The goal was practical { how
to provide a programming methodology able to manipulate state without
assignments, not hiding variables that represent memory cells. Syntactically,
PFL is a reduced subset of Haskell, extended in a uniform way to support array
comprehensions, abstract typing, and object programming. At present time,
expecially with respect to a new aspect oriented methodology of programming, it
seems that PFL may serve as a general implementation bridge for any target
imperative language, provided that the support for aspect programming will be
added. This paper is just a small step to reach this goal. We present the syntax
of simple imperative language and the transformation rules into PFL form. In
addition, considering procedure and function calls as well as the scope, we
prove rather informally than formally, that PFL is powerful enough to express
any imperative program.
Keywords: Programming paradigms, programming languages, side effects,
process functional programming, imperative functional programming, aspect
oriented programming. |