Tudor NICULIU, Sorin
Hierarchical Continuous Intelligence Simulation
We are intelligent, so we are conscient. We are in evolution, so we
construct. We are not alone, so we have to contribute. Simulation relates
function to structure. Intelligence = (consciousness, adaptability, intention)
and Faith = (inspiration, intuition, imagination) are the complementary parts of
human mind; they are linked by Conscience = (consciousness, inspiration).
Conscience simulation demands transcending the present limits of computability
to what we call simulability, by an intensive effort on extensive research to
integrate essential mathematical and physical knowledge guided by philosophical
goals. When applied to hierarchy types, the universal approach principle “Divide
et Impera et Intellige” reveals their comprehensive constructive importance
based on structural approach, symbolic meaning, and object-oriented
representation. Formalizing hierarchical descriptions, we create a theoretical
kernel for self-organizing systems. Arguments for the integrative approach are
the mixed hierarchical simulation instances that are summarized in the last part
of the article. |